Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Eyelash Growth | How to Get Long Eyelashes

What you need to have dramatic eyes? Nothing, but the long & thick eyelashes you want. Your eye-shutters can lash lightening on several beholders. You can be the showstopper or the sizzling beauty at any glittering ceremony. None other than your long & thick eyelashes can help you to rock there.

The more you would pamper, the longer your eyelash growth would be. These also want your intensive love and care. Would you like complements for beautiful eyelashes for just a moment? Artificial eyelashes can do it. But how to get long eyelashes naturally is no more a secret. So, you should not miss these very effective home remedies to learn natural ways for growing thick & long lash line. Check out these very simple home tricks in two steps:
  1.  Almond oil, castor oil, olive oil and Vaseline concoction: Pour one teaspoon of each ingredients in pan. Put the pan on simmer. Put off it. Your miraculous concoction is ready for eyelash growth. What you need is to apply it from lash line to each lashes end. Be gentle while doing this. Wait for 5 minutes.
  2. Green tea’s soothing: The next step is to dip two cotton balls in green tea. Let the antioxidants be soaked in them. Now, keep them on both eyelids. The concoctions will go deep to the roots of eyelashes. After 5 minutes, throw them off.  Follow these steps regularly at night before going to bed. Besides long & thick eyelashes, you will get relief in dark circles and puffy eyes since anti-oxidants in green tea will surely cure them permanently.         

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